He's under heavy fire from within, but tonight Ruperto Vincente is still holding on as President of the FFB.
Last night, we told you about the bold attempt by three members of the executive committee to suspend their own president.
Senior Vice President Sergio Chuc, and executive members Marlon Kuylen and Cruz Gamez used their majority to pass a motion to suspend Vicente. That's after they forced a meeting, which General secretary Michael Blease and Vicente tried to block, because the main item on the agenda was the suspension of Vicente.
But they couldn't block it, and that resolution was passed in the afternoon, but coming unto evening, President Vicente, refusing to accept his suspension, called a meeting with a number of the FFB Congress Members. The FFB Congress is the highest decision-making body of football in Belize, and after this impromptu meeting, it was decided that the suspension would be put on hold until a legal interpretation from FIFA and CONCACAF was forthcoming.
Our colleagues from Plus TV camped out at the FFB headquarters until late into the night when the meeting with the Congress Members concluded, and they spoke with Senior Vice President, Sergio Chuc, one of the men who was pushing for Vicente's suspension:
Sergio Chuc, Senior VP - FFB Executive
"The vote went through. However, at this stage we are still looking after legal; interpretation. We sat down on the second meeting with the majority of congress members and there was a back and forth, if is the correct, if the executive have the power or does not have the power to suspend the president. It's on pause for a day or two until we could get a legal written interpretation."