And increasingly, Guatemalans are encroaching upon that Cebada area. But they are being unintentionally funnelled there by Conservation Posts that the
Government of Belize has put up in other areas along the border between Guatemala and Chiquibul. The Prime Minister explained to the house yesterday that
it has forced his government to find money to put up more conservation posts:…
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"The way they operate is this, they have moved to another area so while in the area where we have the conservation post, there has been dramatic
decrease in the way our forest cover is being utterly prejudiced. In the new area where the concentration of incursions is the situation has
deteriorated. We were to have put a conservation post in that area as well; the problem is it's inaccessible. So to get there we have to hack some sort
of a road through the jungle that may cost as much as quarter of a million dollars in addition to the conservation post. But I'm here to tell you Mr.
Speaker it's not in the budget minister but I will find that quarter of a million dollars to build that third conservation post."
The PM committed to building the new Post this year.