Yesterday, the UDP held its national convention in Dangriga Town. Unlike the recent one for the PUP, this was no big deal really, since there was no challenge for any of the four executive posts and they were all endorsed. But, the sudden resignation of Deputy Party Leader Gaspar Vega - did make it interesting - since Vega was absent and his post vacant, creating a kind of inner drama for the party beneath its calm exterior. Daniel Ortiz went south to drill down for drama. Here's his story:
Daniel Ortiz reporting
The grounds of Stann Creek Ecumenical College was overflowing with red shirts from supporters all across the country. Though it was mostly housekeeping, the ruling party made no apologies and enjoyed the comfort of its faithful gathered in masse.
Hon. Frank Papa Mena & Mayor Francis Humphreys
"Welcome the UDP way, all the way, the only way."
Mayor Francis Humphreys
"Let us hear you, UDP."
For this party convention to validate the endorsements, two-thirds of the delegates on the list needed to have shown up. They had no problem making quorum because the official count was that 97% of Party's delegates were present.
Alberto August - Chairman, UDP
"Having just now been advised by the secretary general of the registered presence of 668 delegates of the 706. We are therefore well in order. We have more than enough to begin with this morning's proceedings."
Of the party's Area Reps., standard bearers and caretakers, everyone was present, except Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega, who had resigned and indicated that he wouldn't accept his re-endorsement as the 1st Deputy Leader.
But of the 30 politicians on the stage, only 2 of them are positioned to take Vega's place. The two men who could be new second in charge were seated on the right and left of Party Leader Dean Barrow.
And while those are individual ambitions, together, the 30 are hoping the voting population will view them a unit, "One Team, One Dream".
The party invited celebrated scientist and scholar - and Dangriga homeboy, Belizean American Physicist, Dr. Arlie Petters to speak to the delegates
Dr. Arlie Petters - Guest Speaker, UDP Convention
"You know and I know that it is no joke running a country. That is one heap of stress. You're putting out fires every day, you're dealing with threats to our nation's economic and geographical sovereignty, you're dealing with ungratefulness, you're dealing with back stabbing, front stabbing and side stabbing. You are criticized when you do something, when you do nothing. You are criticized when you are trying to do good - madas."
As the convention's order of business continued along, one by one the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Second Deputy Party Leader, and the Leader of the Party Leader swore the oath of office once again and resumed their roles in the UDP.
Then, it was time for the Leader to give the talk everyone had been waiting for. He noted that this would be his last UDP convention before he retires completely from politics.
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - Leader, UDP
"This is the last time that a convention of the United Democratic Party will ever endorsed me as leader. You know, I know, the country knows, the world knows that not later than January of the year 2020, The very year by then with which we must have the next general elections. I will depart as the leader of this party and as prime minister of the country. Ladies and gentlemen, that is at it should be. Things change. The old must give way to the new."
But despite that, Barrow is optimistic that his party will go on without him and he's predicting a 4th consecutive victory in the 2020 General Elections.
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - Leader, UDP
"We know that it will be perhaps more difficult than ever, ours most difficult challenge to win a fourth term, but we also know that we can do it and that there is absolutely no reason in the world why we shouldn't do it."
There were a few other housekeeping issues. The party's constitution was amended to include a proper voting platform for the Secretary General on party matters. Also, provisions were added to allow for the calling of an extraordinary national convention in the event of a UDP official's departure due to death, or in this case, if another official resigns like how Gaspar Vega did.