And while speeches dominated the day, we did catch one interesting sight in the margins. Orange Walk North Representative Gaspar Vega did come to the meeting, but he slipped in a little late. The interesting thing is that when he did, he and the Prime Minister didn't even exchange a glance much less a word. The two are usually jovial so the body language seemed telling to us.
What was also telling was that opposition leader John Briceno's 11 PUP Representatives did not give him one salvo of applause or - as is customary in parliament - table thumping - until the 47th minute of his speech! That's kind of (MAKE HAND GESTURE) for a leader of the opposition in his first formal response. And it did not escape the notice of John Saldivar:...
Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of National Security
"This is his second turn as Leader of the Opposition. Unfortunately he may have taken over under circumstances not too friendly, because it was very noticeable in his presentation the lack of applause from his colleagues on that side of the House."
Day one of the budget debate finished after 6:00 this evening, and it continues tomorrow.