You might know Pastor Scott Stirm as one of the firebrand Christian evangelists who came out swinging against the LBGT Agenda, as well as the first draft of the National Gender Policy. He's also the Vice President of the National Evangelical Association of Belize.
But, tonight, he's making the news as American Belizean missionary who made some controversial comments during a webcast earlier this month. He was speaking to a congregation in the US about his missionary work in Belize, and why he chose Belize.
Here he is, during that anecdote, explaining how one of his high school friends refused to accept his drastic decision to move to Belize:
So, that certainly has to be a joke, the part about overthrowing the Government.
But, those who've seen the broadcast back home certainly aren't laughing about his comments on the Garifuna. He made some controversial remarks about the revered "Dugu" Ceremony:
A few days ago, Stirm posted a comment on his Facebook page explaining the comments and insisting that he holds no racist views against the Garifuna.
He says, quote, "... We raised two Garifuna boys as our own from a family with 9 kids from 7 men. The mom has now given her heart to Jesus and changed!!...We have poured our lives into many other Garifuna as well, and yes, they have needed demonic strongholds broken off their lives from witchcraft & fear, etc…."
He continues, quote:
"And the biggy was a major Garifuna witch/"buye" who had used her witchcraft to actually kill people - oh, yeah, we prayed her into the Kingdom as well and she burned all her witchcraft books, renounced her witchcraft and gave her heart to Jesus!!!" End Quote.
Now, that's strong stuff since a "Buyei" in the Garifuna culture is a priest, not a witch. Stirm's speech has been making the rounds on facebook, so we'll see where it goes next.