As you heard in those comments, Elrington is not happy with the media. And you can kind of understand why…in his 8 year sin the job, he's been repeatedly
pilloried in the press. In Friday's newscast, you saw our examination of the diplomatic double speak on Belize/Guatemala relations that has been a feature
of the discussions about controversial incidents at the border. Well, while he had everyone's attention this morning, Elrington confronted the press
Hon. Wilfred Elrington - Minister of Foreign Affairs
"I find it so incomprehensible Mr. Speaker that we have so many knowledgeable people about the Guatemalan issue and whenever the issue comes up,
especially involving the Sarstoon, the most prominent media find the least informed person to interview ad nauseam. People who they interview can't
even talk, can't even articulate their views properly but the media invariably seek them out. What are you trying to do with your population, in my
view it's an injustice, you're doing a disservice to your population."
"I see one newspaper last year they publicize the fact that one individual ask us to get rid of the OAS, its useless and that newspaper put with pride
on the front page that this individual said get rid of the OAS; but they don't know what the OAS is. The OAS is the second most powerful multilateral
organisation in the region, it's our hemispheric region and here is this individual saying we must get rid of the OAS and a prominent newspaper put
that on the front line. Front page, what are you doing to your population when you propagate that kind of ignorance. Absolutely insane Mr. Speaker, I
can't comprehend it at a time when our people are so confused and a time when you do have intelligent people, knowledgeable people, informed people who
could properly educate the public; we seek to find the least informed, the least educated, the least knowledgeable and give them prominence. As a
matter of fact we go further, we call them national heroes. They are in my view born again patriots, people who are no way around when the country was
really in trouble. The country is not in enough trouble now; the country is in good hands. It's being looked after very competently."
We'll have a little more from that presentation in tomorrow's newscast.