First term Representative Kareem Musa used his first opportunity on the national stage to ask the Barrow Government to reconsider its position on Belizean
Developer Mike Feinstein's Stakebank Cruise Port project.
The government has already passed the law for this project to act as a port of entry, but it's been one delay after another to get to the construction
phase. The latest hurdle, according to Government, is that Feinstein wants an exclusivity guarantee that his Cruise Port will be the only berthing
facility in Belize City that can accommodate the Oasis Class Cruise Ships. Well, Musa told his fellow parliamentarians that Prime Minister Barrow
didn't tell the whole story. Here's how he put it today in the House:
Hon. Kareem Musa - Area Rep., Caribbean Shores
"I want to encourage the government and encourage the stakeholders to seriously reconsider the Stake Bank cruise port as proposed by the Feinstein
Group. Let me take this opportunity Mr. Speaker to remind this honourable house that the Feinstein Group proposed 3 projects in one. One of them is a
cement factory which is much needed in our country. It has already gotten the approval of the banks; this is a 35 million dollar project which would
create 90 permanent jobs. That has been put on hold member for Belmopan. The second project is of course Stake Bank cruise port facility for which the
investor has already secured financing of 200 million dollars which would have created thousands member, thousands of new jobs for Belize City
residence and Belize City will end up with no cruise port members. The prime minister has shown scant regard or respect for both sides of this house,
like I said both sides voted for this project. His feeble excuse member and you can confirm this is that Mr. Feinstein wanted exclusivity but our
understanding is not so, he did not ask for exclusivity for the whole country. He is simply saying that Belize City cannot handle two cruise tourism
ports. The government, let me remind you did not hesitate to give Harvest Caye which involves a well-connected UDP family of brothers, you all know who
that is, an exclusive license for the south."