At the start of his presentation, Opposition Leader John Briceno had implored his colleagues from both sides to keep a level of civility and respect. Briceno told the House that his consultation with the public had revealed that there is dislike for the house debates when they devolve into name-calling and scandalous accusations flung across the aisle.
Well, the gloves came off when first term representative, Kareem Musa, openly accused the Prime Minister yesterday of overpaying his brother, Denys Barrow, his niece Naima Barrow, and his ex-wife Lois Young-Barrow, a cumulative figure of about 40 million dollars in legal fees.
In his opening remarks last night, the PM had a few choice words for Kareem Musa, and his father, Said Musa. He suggested that the younger Musa would inherit his father's stained legacy:
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"I heard when the member for Mesop, the Minister of Housing was remonstrating with the young member from Caribbean Shores and I thought what the Minister of Housing said was extremely timely. I will only add this: I personally was not surprised because to paraphrase Emanuel Kant "out of the crooked timber from which he comes no straight thing was ever made." Mr. Speaker, this is obvious contrast to my own family you know. None of whom was ever accused, not by any auditor general, not by any police and certainly not by the people of fraud, conversion or stealing. And for sure, no child of mine will ever have to suffer the ignominy of their father being described by the highest court in the land as a malignant tumor. And so Mr. Speaker I tell the member for Caribbean Shores once and for all, find somewhere other than this honorable house to deal with your daddy issues and find some means other than our debates to expiate the shame of your inheritance."