7 News Belize

Thieves Stole Four Guns From City Hall
posted (March 30, 2016)
There are four more guns on Belize City Streets tonight, and they were all stolen from the City Council. The city's Special Constable office at the commercial centre was targeted. That's the unit which handles nightclub and liquor licensing enforcement, and they keep their guns locked up in a safe inside their office. But between 6:00 last night and 7:00 this morning, someone slipped into the commercial centre, broke into the office, pried open the safe, and stole the guns.

Police told us more this afternoon

Inspector Alejandro Cowo - OC, CIB Southside

"We observed that the 2 main doors that leads to that office was tampered and inside of the main office where the manager of the Special Constable sits, a safe was broken and after making checks they discovered that 4 99 pistols was missing from the safe. The safe was tampered, it was allegedly opened with a crowbar and the firearms that were stolen are two glock 9 mm and two CZ 9 mm along with 55 live rounds of ammunition, GFL brand, 9 holsters; all to a total value of 7,085 dollars property of the city council. At this time we have several of the Special Constables being interviewed."

Jules Vasquez

"Does it have the appearance of an inside job or was there inside knowledge?"

Inspector Alejandro Cowo - OC, CIB Southside

"We have conducted an investigation at this time. We cannot just come and tell you it's an inside job because we are not sure at this time."

Jules Vasquez

"Sir you said they have 2 iron gates."

Inspector Alejandro Cowo - OC, CIB Southside

"None of them were tampered."

Jules Vasquez

"None of them were tampered?"

Inspector Alejandro Cowo - OC, CIB Southside


Jules Vasquez

"But they entered through the iron gates."

Inspector Alejandro Cowo - OC, CIB Southside

"They entered through the iron gates yes."

Jules Vasquez

"Okay which again would seem to suggest someone had keys to those gates. In your opinion were the grounds properly secured or was there room for theft has occurred?"

Inspector Alejandro Cowo - OC, CIB Southside

"Well it was in a big safe; to me the safe was safe but apparently other people - we know that office, many people got into that office. Many people have access to that office, likewise many keys, many people have keys to that building there."

Jules Vasquez

"Is there a justified concern that these guns may end up on the streets of Belize City in criminal hands?"

Inspector Alejandro Cowo - OC, CIB Southside

"Of course we have concerns, we have just gotten about 4 or 5 guns out of the streets and now 4 more of them are out there. We know that these guns will be used at any time to commit any crime. They will not just stole it just to be stolen for safe keeping, they will be stolen for the criminal situation in some kind of shooting or rob you or anything like that. We know there is definitely going to be used to commit a criminal act and as you know we are trying hard every day to get the guns off the streets; now to have 4 additional out there."

Up to this evening, those 6 constables were still being questioned because police believe it is an inside job. And so what does the mayor have to say? Not much! Here's what he told us today:

Darrell Bradley - Mayor of Belize City

"I did get a report from our city administrator early this morning that they Commercial Centre was broken into last night and the persons particularly targeted the Special Constable offices where we keep our weapons and several of our firearms were in fact stolen."

Jules Vasquez

"Was the room properly secured, was it not properly locked, how is it that 4 guns can be stolen?"

Darrell Bradley - Mayor of Belize City

"Well I would not want to comment too closely on this matter because this is under investigation but in terms of our internal persons and the police itself, part of the exterior of the building which was locked; the locks were not disturbed. So the direction is and I mean that could lead to natural inference in relation to the incident itself but I don't want to comment too much on that simply because it is a matter that is under investigation."

Jules Vasquez

"Look like an inside job."

Darrell Bradley - Mayor of Belize City

"Again, I don't want to say anything because the matter is under investigation and it is of serious concern to us because we are trying to stem a crime situation and that means additional weapons are on the streets so that people have to held accountable for that and we have to review our channels to ensure that those things are improved."

Police say the city no longer has a security posted at the building and there are any number of persons who hold keys for the iron doors.

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