And that will include works on 7 other busy streets which are in dire need of repairs. The mayor says it begins with St. Joseph Street, which is off Baymen
Darrell Bradley - Mayor of Belize City
"It will include the entire length of St. Joseph Street. If members of the public can recall that we commenced a first portion of St. Joseph Street
last year from Princess Margret Drive to St. Thomas Street. The entire remaining length of the street from St. Thomas Street to Baymen Avenue would be
concreted. We're also doing the finishing portions of Queen Street, we're doing Dolphin Drive; we concreted a section of that, so we're finishing that.
We had started a section of East Canal but we did not finish the section from Bishop Street to Regent Street West that will be completed as well as the
entire length of West Canal, especially in front of Publics. We're also doing Eyrie Street and we're doing the continuation of University Drive. As
well we are looking at a project to asphalt some of the streets in Belize City including streets like 4th Street and 3rd Street. We've seen these as
being strategically important particularly because we made 6th Street one way so that we need another street to be asphalted or concreted that will
alleviate some of the traffic flows in that area.