As we told you on Friday, 2 teenagers were charged with 3 counts of robbery in connection with the Scotland Halfmoon armed robbery. They are 18 year-old
Trevor McFoy, and a 17 year-old minor- and they were both were taken to court yesterday. The incident happened last Thursday when Mcfoy and the minor,
dressed in Fort Point Security Uniforms barged into the Scotland Halfmoon Gas Station and held everyone up at gunpoint. They stole $1,490 cash, $1,000
Mexican pesos, deodorants, an additional $400 in cash and 2 iPhones. But police responded quickly and foiled the robbery- capturing the 2 teenagers and
recovering all the stolen items and the 9 millimeter pistol. Now while the case is closed there is still another lingering side to the story. Mcfoy as well
as the minor claim that police abused them and Mcfoy's attorney Dickie Bradley also commented on the alleged police abuse saying that the boys were beat up
badly and weren't even given a medical form to properly submit their complaint. Well today Assistant Commissioner for Eastern Rural Division Edward
Broaster told us that measures will be put in place to avoid a recurrence of such allegations.
ACP Edward Broaster - OC, Eastern Rural Division
"The DVR does not record more than 7 days but we will fix that and when we do fix it we will not disclose the length of time that the DVR would record.
So that we won't have complaints coming after the recording period and the complaints can come long before. I was aware of the individuals making
complaints against the police officers and a result of that I had directed the professional standard branch to do an independent inquiry into this
matter so that we don't have any biases as it relates to that allegation that is being made by both Mcfoy and the other suspect."
The Professionals Standards Branch has not yet released a response to Mcfoy's report. Now on a final note, as we told you the thieves were dressed in Fort
Point Security uniform. The company sent us an email saying that the suspects were not and are not employees of the company. They say they are doing an
internal investigation to find out how they got their hands on the uniforms.