And a creature that may be well familiar with the world heritage sites is the oarfish. It's a little known, rarely seen fish that looks like a huge sea serpent. It usually operates in the greatest ocean depths at one thousand meters and below, but there have been sightings of this strange creature around Placencia recently! That's right, a creature that looks a lot like an oarfish - a portion of which can be seen in this photograph - has been sighted in the Placencia lagoon and near Placencia Caye. The sightings started in late 2015, and one was reported as recently as Easter.
Now, as this video form Mexico which has been posted on youtube shows, some times they come into shallow areas like lagoons, but usually when they are ill.
The oarfish is a giant boney fish and poses no danger to humans as it feeds mainly on plankton. So, if you see one near Palcencia , behold, snap a picture, but please don't harm it.