If you're a political observer, you might have guessed by now that the rumours of Michael Finnegan's retirement are greatly exaggerated. Sure, the 6 term UDP Mesopotamia representative may have strung his nephew Shyne Barrow along for a week or so, but, anyone who knows Finnegan knows that it ain;t over till it's over. On Saturday he told the media, he's not ready to go just yet:.
Hon. Michael Finnegan, Area Rep., Mesopotamia
"Why everybody wants to retire me for? That is up to me."
"But did you not announced earlier that you would not be seeking re-election?"
Hon. Michael Finnegan, Area Rep., Mesopotamia
"I never did ever said that. Everybody said that I was retiring. That is a matter for me and my family and when that time comes, if I will do that the public will know. In the meantime I am in the Mesopotamia Division every day and I am doing what I have been doing for the last 30 years and when that change, you will be the first to know my love."