At the top of the news, we told you about how the GSU went to Wax House on East Canal and the Yabra area where they allegedly handed a group of men from both turfs a beatdown.
Well, one George Street resident called us today to complain that on Tuesday, the GSU came to her brother's house. He's Eustace Lewis, known as "Duck", and she says that he has been living with constant police harassment. She says that the GSU took it up a notch when they destroyed his home after a raid on Tuesday. Here's how she explained it to us this evening:
Voice of Family Member
"I got out of my bed, changed my clothes and came around. When I came out of my yard I saw 2 jeeps with GSU coming up the street so I just continued walking because I didn't want them to come harass my house. When I continued walking and arrived on Plues Street, a next 3-4 trucks with K9 units are out there, so I continued to walk on George Street to go check on my sister-in-law. When I arrived, I saw the gate broken down, door stomped in, back door broken up and the house well dug up. I told her 'this is a lot of craziness; the babies are sleeping'. They act like my brother is the number one criminal on their criminal list. My brother gives trouble yes, but you don't have to be acting like that. If you had any PR, you would have approached better than that. Then the next thing is they still have the tendency to beat my brother, stomp him in his side, got him on the ground, walking up on his back like he's an animal. Those things aren't right. You can't be acting like that, if you want the people and the so-called gang members respect, you have to respect them the same way as well. Not because you classify them as gang members you have to treat them like that."
Daniel Ortiz
"So who are we talking about here?"
Voice of Family Member
"I am talking about my brother Eustace Lewis. If anything happened out there right now it could be a next associate that just associate with the gang street members, if they do something or anything happen, the first person they come for is Eustace Lewis, so-called 'Duck'. No 'Duck' is on my brother's birth paper, so why do you have to come harass him and treat him like that? They have worst criminals than my brother out there. You guys need to know how to deal with people and people will deal with you right. A criminal can shoot right now as I'm speaking to you, who do you think they'll come for? When they took my brother the Tuesday morning, my brother is at Cell Block at Racoon Street Station. Nearly all the guys around here were here, but a little bit after that day a next guy got shot right back there. So how can Eustace have anything to do with that? With anything? Sometimes things could happen and my brother knows nothing about it, he's in his house with his woman and his baby. You don't know when they come stamp down the door early in the morning, how do you think the baby feels? The baby is only 2 years old. My niece stays traumatized every time from when they take my brother, all my niece asks about is where's her father. Those things aren't right."
This family also complained that in that house search, the officers went next door , where they barged into their neighbour's yard. Their dogs lunged at the police. The family says that the officer shot the dog. They say that if the officers had only announced their intention to search their home, they would have taken care of the dogs.