For the past 2 nights, we've been showing you leaked videos which demonstrate in detail how the Guatemalan military in the Sarstoon, have been confronting the BDF patrols in the Sarstoon River.
The videos show clearly that the Guatemalans are exercising authority over the river and sticking by what they say is the mutually agreed protocol: any Belizean vessel going up that river has to check with them first. Now, the government of Belize is certain no such agreement was ever made, but right now, those are just words, the actions are playing out on the river.
And the Guatemalans have seized upon the airing of these videos to boast that they do control the river and that the Belizean military does, in fact, have to check in with them before it goes down the river.
The Guatemalan Newspaper, Prensa Libre, today reported that the Guatemalan Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs have commented on the first video. That's the one where the Guatemalan soldiers demanded that the BDF, quote, "Respect the Protocol".
The Prensa Libre article quotes Guatemalan Foreign Minister Carlos Raul Morales and Guatemalan Defense Minister Williams Mansilla saying that the videos simply show the Guatemalan soldiers requesting that their sign-in protocol be followed.
Morales, said, quote, "What I would ask is that the Belizean commanders give their soldiers guidance so that there is no confrontation… I understand that the protocols are the policy of the commanders but the soldiers have not understood them and don't really know them." End quote.
And then, the Guatemalan Defense Minister goes further and accuses the BDF soldiers of being the ones doing the provoking on the Sarstoon. He told the Prensa Libre, "For our part we have a drone and cameras to document provocations that their soldiers do."
On man is outraged by what the videos reveal is Wil Maheia. He's been playing the role of whistleblower - and some say provocateur - in this situation. Today, he said, "I told you so":
Wil Maheia
"I'm so disappointed in the fact that minutes after that incident happened, because with technology today they know what is taking place, they know our BDF were harassed there. I would have expected no less that the Prime Minister be on the air to complain to the international community to come to reassure his people or reassure us Belizeans that everything is okay. To date after that incident happened which I believe was earlier this week, we haven't heard a word. This was a perfect opportunity to show the world that Guatemala is invade us, they are violating our rights."
In that very same Prensa Libre article, the Guatemalan Defense Minister reported that his Military Chief of Staff met with senior commanders of the BDF who reportedly promised to give instructions to the soldiers on what is expected of them while operating in the Sarstoon.