As you heard, one of the two reasons that Opposition Leader John Briceño agreed to cancel the trip was because his father's health was failing fast.
And, personally, he made the right decision, because 78 year-old "Elijio Joe Briceño" passed away at the hospital at two minutes to midnight on Saturday. The elder Briceno was a two term PUP representative for Orange Walk and today, his son John spoke with us about his many accomplishments:
Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"MY father passed away on Saturday at 11:58pm. As you all know that my father suffered a stroke 11 years ago and its because of him being unable to move that overtime his party started to slow down, his metabolism and it started affecting his organs. We did everything try to try to keep him here, but the good Lord has other plans for him. Whilst we've been through a difficult time, a time of sorrow, a time of grief, it fills our heart with love to find out that so many people appreciated the work that my father did as a person and as a politician. He was a member of the Orange Walk Town Council between 1972 to 1975. He was a member of the national assembly from 1974 to1984 and he was a larger than life person and he took on the powers that be when he felt it was not in the interest of the people that he represented. For instance, in the history books now we talk about black Wednesday, when he with the cane farmers in Orange Walk stood up to defend the interest of the cane farmers in the Orange Walk District and went against his own government and they sent the BDF and I was there, I was at witness to it. I was a very young boy at that time, with tear gas, batons and full works. But he felt that he needed to stand up for them. The expansion of Orange Walk Town, the Louisiana Farm area was a farm that was loved very well by Don Chich Castillo. Don Chich Castillo was mentor to my father and a very close personal friend, but he knew that the town needed the land for expansion and he had to go against his friend and that he lost that friendship over that, because Don Chich really loved Louisiana Farm."
Government announced yesterday that, in his honor as former Minister and a former member of the National Assembly, they will hold an official funeral for Joe Briceño tomorrow in Orange Walk Town. John Briceño told us that his family is pleased and honored by the sentiment.