Earlier in the week a delegation from the Police United Football Club travelled to Miami for the drawing of the Champions League Tournament, and what a drawing it was. The team representing Belize will have to go up against renowned football club Pachuca, from Mexico. Not only that, they also face Olimpia from Honduras in their first two rounds of the tournament. So with only a few months left before the games begin how is the team preparing? Today we spoke to the head coach Charlie Slusher, to get his thoughts on the drawing and what the team needs to do to to prepare for the games.
Often when teams get a first chance to participate at such an international level, the first thing that comes to mind is the enlistment of foreign players. And in fact the team committee told us they were going to explore this avenue. But is that such a great idea? Head Coach Charlie Slusher warned about the pitfalls of sourcing international players.
Last year Verdes qualified for the Champions League, but lost in the preliminary rounds with one win, one draw and two losses. They had a -15 goal differential after allowing 17 goals, the most of any team in the tournament.