46 year-old Retired American Soldier Tarry Eugene Rhodes is detained by the Immigration Department tonight after he was busted for overstaying his visitors permit. And, there is information to suggest that he may be wanted in his country.
So, how did he turn up on the Immigration Department's radar? Well, it turns out that it happened quite by accident. He was busted yesterday at the Philip Goldson International Airport when he went to pick up another passenger at the airport. A vigilant immigration officer started to question him, and when they checked his travel history and his passport, they found out that he had overstayed his visitor's permit by 10 months. He was to have returned to the US in September 29 of last year, but he didn't do that.
So, they charged him with that offence of failing to comply with a visitor's permit, and when they checked into his background they found out that he had been living off his pension from the State of Ohio. He had taken up residence in Calla Creek, Cayo.
He was taken today before Magistrate Deborah Rogers, and when he was read the charge, he wasted no time and pled guilty. The Magistrate sentenced him to pay a fine of 12 hundred dollars forthwith, or else serve 6 months in jail. When he couldn't do so, he was taken into custody by the Immigration Department. It is a customary practice that although the court says he must pay forthwith, he will be given a grace period to pay the fine, especially, since he has indicated that he can make payments if the authorities give him the opportunity to. The Magistrate has also granted an expulsion order, which allow the Immigration Department to deport him to Ohio.
But, that's probably a not what Rhodes was hoping for, because reports to the Belizean authorities, he may be wanted by the authorities in his country. Belize authorities tell court reporters that he is wanted by the Ohio Defiance County for investigation to 3 drug related offences. Those are related to the illegal manufacture of drugs, for the illegal assembly, or possession of chemicals to manufacture drugs, and for the possession of drugs.