And while Faber is choosing his words carefully on that one, he wasn't so cautious when we asked him if - all things considered - the UDP is fortunate to have elected him deputy - since the other guy, John Saldivar is in serious political trouble due to his association with Danny Mason. Faber didn't want to jump all over Saldivar, but, he kind of did anyway...
Hon. Patrick Faber, Deputy Prime Minister "It is never a happy day for me to smile at the misfortunes of anybody. I value very much, my colleague Minister John Saldivar and so when it was that he was reduced if you will to just the Ministry of Defence, I saw no glory in that. I have long held the position however that I was the better man for the position and so to answer your question directly as to whether the UDP is better off having me as the deputy leader - that was longstanding the case, even before anything happened to Minister Saldivar. But certainly when you get a kind of discount if you will in terms of your portfolio, that is not something that you can wear as a feather in you're marching on for leadership."