Today, the Prime Minister amplified that explanation when he said that he recently called in all the unions for a meeting to explain to them what is the situation after hurricane Earl:…
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister
"We did have a meeting, it's not just the teachers it's with the heads of the 3 unions, the APSSM, the PSU and the BNTU and I as I said shared the latest damage assessment report I had with them and indicated that were asking as it appeared were entitled to at least ask under the framework which I had for the collective bargaining agreement. It did say that if there was a change in material circumstances we could reopen the issue of the salary adjustment. So I've asked them if they would be good enough as part of the national solidarity and the fact that government had to find all this money now to try to help put things back together for a number of people including some of their members; if they would be good enough to agree to a deferral of the salary increase until next April; the start of the budget year. It's something they clearly have to consult on so I am awaiting their response."