We all know Cabinet’s position on the Section 53 judgment; they won’t appeal it. But, how do individual minister’s feel? We’ve heard some grumblings from within the UDP that some are dissatisfied with the collective position – and would support an appeal. Today we asked Belize Rural South Representative Manuel Junior Heredia about it – mainly because he should have a unique perspective. As the song says La Isla Bonita is wild and free – but it’s also very openly gay. The island has a thriving gay community, which is welcoming to tourists who live in societies with that same ethos. So what does he think about the judgment and how it affects his voters and visitors to his island? Here’s how the Tourism Minister explained it:…
Courtney Weatherburne
"We know that in San Pedro many people are openly gay, we have a lot of homosexuals in San Pedro. First of all what do you think the Section 53 judgement, what impact will it have on San Pedroanos?"
Hon. Manuel Heredia - Minister of Tourism
"I don't believe it will have any additional effect. You've said it and rightly there are a number and I respect people for what they are. I have my personal feelings for what I believe but I respect everybody's rights and this judgement, all that it did is to simply say that what has been done before supposed to be uphold. I am one of those that believe that the law of a country supposed to be uphold and the court have said so and we as a government I believe that we will not appeal the situation and that because of the treaty that we the human right treaty we then we have to live up to our commitment but I believe that even though I'm a Catholic, our pope has said who is he to judge."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Would you share your personal opinion on it or you're okay with the Section 53 judgement."
Hon. Manuel Heredia - Minister of Tourism
"I am comfortable with the situation and like I said I respect people's rights in my island definitely you are right that there is quite a bit of it and I don't see anything abnormal at this point about people judging anyone passing on the street or anyone's behaviour. If we do anything morale even the man and woman like that you will be persecuted if they do anything immoral on the street then it will happen but in privacy let us respect the rights of one another."
Courtney Weatherburne
"You think that more gay people would travel to San Pedro and Caye Caulker because of the Section 53? Will it increase the tourism on the island?"
Hon. Manuel Heredia - Minister of Tourism
"It can be you know I am not saying it will because it can be because like I said there are people that have already been writing to us and saying okay we believe that Belize is too narrow minded when it comes to this type of things. We want to come over there but because of certain restrictions then we rather go to another area so probably I don't think this is wide enough but it's a step forward for protecting the rights of other people and let us see what time will tell."
Courtney Weatherburne
"In terms of tourism?"
Hon. Manuel Heredia - Minister of Tourism