And also today in the House, Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington gave a very tepid response to the OAS report. He received it officially yesterday and today in the house he didn't say much other than dispassionately re state the basic findings. So we asked him outside, don't the Guatemalans owe the Belize military an apology?:
Jules Vasquez
"What is in the report, suggest that the Guatemalan who raised such a furor such hue and cry, called the Belize soldiers such ugly names, operated in less than good faith with the investigation?"
Hon. Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Well, people have different pressures especially government officials and Guatemala has been going through a difficult time. The officials have been having tremendously difficult times. They like to emphasize that Belize is only 1 issue they are dealing with and it's not all that important to them. So, historically when governments are under pressure they look for an escape goat, this might have been the case."
Jules Vasquez
"But shouldn't an apology be forthcoming?"
"Or demanded?"
Hon. Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Well, I don't know to what extent to want to..."
"The prime minister seems to think so sir."
Hon. Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Yeah, but the Prime Minister has his own view. That's the beauty of democracy. We all have our own views and even within the cabinet, we all have our own views. So, that's the Prime Minister's view."
"But from a foreign affairs perspective, wouldn't one be deserved?"
Hon. Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"From a foreign affairs perspective, the important thing is that we remain cordial with the Guatemalans, that we deal with them in a way whereby we will be able to act in a more friendly way towards us."
"Sir, but again in your personal opinion as our foreign minister, you don't believe they owe us an apology?"
Hon. Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"I really don't think that we should get caught up with demanding apologies from anybody."