So, back to today's press conference…it was all about the auditor general's reports - and the Prime Minister was there to take a "mea culpa," but he and the senior staff of the Immigration Department were also there - you could say - to kind of muddy the waters. They say that what is contained in the report is lamentable, yes, but so are the errors. Here's how he put it:...
Rt., Hon, Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"The government of Belize accepts that on any reckoning that report paints a sorry picture. A picture which has legitimately very much alarmed Belizeans. This is a matter of the greatest possible regret to me and as leader of the government it is my duty to apologize to the nation for the fact that things went so wrong during the period covered by the report."
Jules Vasquez, 7News
"Wouldn't one conclude that some type of enterprise, a money making commercial, perhaps criminal, but commercial enterprise was under way for the trafficking of persons facilitated by elected ministers in your government?"
Rt., Hon, Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"Well, I think you were careful to say you're not suggesting that that would be an ineluctable conclusion, but that it would be certainly one possible deduction and I would have to concede that."