You last saw Melissa Ferguson on the news on August 15th – when she got bail for conspiracy to commit kidnapping. Well now the 48 year old is telling Belmopan Police that she is the victim, not the perpetrator of a crime. Ferguson has made a complaint stating that between Friday July 15th when her husband William Danny Mason was arrested for killing Pastor Lou and August 17th – which is shortly after she got bail, their Intelco Hill home was cleaned out! She says that in that one month period, thieves stole an assortment of liquor, clothing, electronic and household and miscellaneous items all to a total of $45,428.00. Belmopan police say they are investigating, but the first thing they have to confirm is the validity of the report. Police say they are trying to establish that the mass theft did take place – since police believe that the couple had people staying in the house during their absence.