And while the government is using the model endorsed by the Churches - the opposition doesn't want to hear it. They say that a Senate Select Committee with three members of the government will not be independent because the Government will have too much influence over the investigation, which could cause for the Senate probe to be misdirected.
This evening, they released a statement which says, quote, "... The PUP is seriously concerned that the Cabinet would take the opportunity to dictate to the Senate what the composition of its Senate Select Committee should be. That is a matter for the Senate to decide. Not the Cabinet." End quote.
The Opposition goes even further to scold the Barrow Government by quoting from the Senate Standing Order.
Their statement says, quote, "...Standing Order #69 specifically states that "the Special Select Committee shall be appointed by order of the Senate which shall specify the terms of reference of the Committee and shall consist of such and so many Senators as may be directed by order of the Senate". No other Standing Order speaks to the Special Select Committee. There are other Standing Orders that speak to the Sessional Select Committees of the Senate but ONLY Standing Order #69 governs the Senate Special Select Committee." End Quote.
The Opposition is demanding the UDP follow the model that the Musa Government used back in 2004 to look into the misuse of SSB funds at that time under the PUP. They say that the best configuration is a 3,1,1: three from the social partners, one from the Government, and one from the Opposition, which, in their opinion, will make it the most transparent, and the most fair since none of the political parties will be able to exert influence.
This evening, Opposition Leader John Briceño spoke to us from abroad us via phone, and he told us why he personally believes that the Government is insisting that they have 3 members on the committee:
Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"It is obvious Daniel that the UDP government has no intention in having an open and a transparent investigation. Too much is at stake for the UDP government. More than 13 present and previous UDP ministers have been named. The Prime Minister and the UDP they are going to do any and every thing to try to prevent an open and a transparent and full investigation as to what has transpired in that department."
"They are finally giving in to the senate inquiry, not because they want to get down to the bottom of what actually happened in that department, but simply because they have no other option. There have been tremendous pressure on the government from the public sector, the private sector, from the social partners, from the opposition - from everybody. So they had no choice and the best they can do is to try to find a way where they are saying well the social partners have 3 and they have 3 and the opposition 1. With that they believe that they think that they could find ways how to stop, how to delay and maybe even find a way how not to get into the bottom of what happened into the department of immigration."
"In 2004, it was same Dean Barrow and same Godwin Hulse who were screaming out and asking for a senate investigation and they wanted a senate investigation where the government could not and should not have an outright majority in that composition - those two. Go back and look at your files and you will see that they were against it. The PUP government felt that in the name of transparency and openness and accountability, we decided for us to have opposition made of up of 3 social partners, 1 opposition and 1 government. We are the majority and we did not insist on having a majority. We give in and conceded for there to be a majority from the social partners."
The PUP release adds that if there is any counter proposal on the composition, that should be tabled and debated at the Senate. They are also demanding that the President of the Senate call special Senate meeting immediately so that this issue can be addressed.