One other topic which Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber wanted to discuss is the Church State Commission. That’s the working group that the Government agreed to with the different leaders of the churches last week.
Well, since then, there have been concerns that this Commission is solely going to influence Government Policies on public morality. Well, Faber wanted to clear up today that the Commission will not have the mandate on decision-making. It is only a forum for the Government to be able to listen to the concerns of the church, on public morality issues, as well as anything else they may have an opinion on.
Here’s how he explained it:
Hon. Patrick Faber - Deputy Prime Minister
"The church felt that it could play a greater role in advising the government in giving its views on certain things. Not limited to any one area but you'll understand that given the chief justice's ruling and given some of the noise that was in the air at the time that this had to be one of the issues that they saw to be needed first on the agenda of this entity that has been referred to as the morality commission that I choose to term in the interim as the church state commission; and I hope that we could use that name until you hear otherwise from the body once it meets on September 26th and we come up with a formal name. That body as I understand it is aimed at merely continuing dialogue to make sure that the dialogue between the church and the state is continuous and that the church always have a conduit to give the government what its views are on varying issues including public morality."
We’ll tell you in tomorrow’s newscast, why Faber is willing to champion to cause for Caleb Orozco, UNIBAM, and any other minority groups in the country.