“Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfeeâ€Â premiered on Saturday – and since then we haven’t heard anything about police following up on the many actionable pieces of information fleshed out by the film-makers. There were two murder conspiracies unveiled, one for American Greg Faull and the other for Orange Walk resident David Middleton. Now, we’re not saying that documentaries are equivalent to police investigations, but there sure is some stuff in there that crime investigators might want to look at – because at least two persons told the cameras that they abetted murder. The Commissioner of Police hasn’t responded to our request for a comment, and the cops have boxed the DPP out of the case, so we asked the only police officer we can speak to regularly, Assistant Commissioner Chester Williams. He’s a trained attorney and agreed that there are some leads in there that the police should be following up on:…
ACP Chester Williams - Regional Commander, Eastern Division South
"I think that it is something that the police can use to be able to probe more into the death Mr. Middleton from Orange Walk and to see how we can use some of the things that have been said as a basis to be able to look at some of these persons and interview them further."
Duane Moody - Channel 5
"Is there a possibility for any person to be charged with even conspiracy to commit in terms of I believe the caretaker, I think the woman that lured Mr. Faull, allegedly lured Mr. Faull the alleged killer; anything can be levied against these persons given what was revealed in the video?"
ACP Chester Williams - Regional Commander, Eastern Division South
"Like I said there are several interesting revelations and those are things that the police can look at."
Duane Moody - Channel 5
"Sir who would have to take that directive?"
ACP Chester Williams - Regional Commander, Eastern Division South
"Well the directives will have to come from the investigators who have the case, the case is not closed. A murder investigation does not have any statute of limitations so it is open still, the investigators still have hold of that matter and they can revisit those persons and revisit everything that has been said in that video."