A two-day conference on children with disabilities began today. Belizean health professionals as well as representatives from the Caribbean will be discussing ways to integrate these special needs kids into society so they can have a normal and enriching life. The speakers will also be focusing on those at risk of developing a disability early in life. Dr. Einstein Bodden opened today's ceremony. He was diagnosed with a condition called kypho-scoliosis at age 2, which is a deformity to the spine. And today, he is a perfect example of a man who defeated the odds to become a Doctor. We start off with his message. UNICEF Rep. Ivan Yerovi then delves into the importance of inclusiveness.
There are several organizations such as Stella Maris , BCVI, the Inspiration Center among others that assist children with disabilities. There are no firm numbers on how many children suffer from disabilities but Special Envoy for Women and Children Kim Simplis Barrow told us that about 300 to 500 kids visit the Inspiration Centre for treatment.