7 News Belize

OC Arzu Talks About His Injured Son
posted (October 25, 2016)
And the family can only hope that he does recover. As we told you, Arzu was shot to the head but according to his father, the bullet wasn't lodged in his head, giving Arzu a fighting chance. Now although Arzu got a positive prognosis, the family is still in shock and are wondering why anyone would want to harm their loved one. Today we spoke to Arzu's dad, Superintendent of Police in Benque Viejo, Daniel Arzu Sr., and he told us he has no idea why.

Supt. Daniel Arzu, OC - Benque Viejo Police
"He as at his baby's mother residence when the intruder came by and fired shots at him and apparently he was struck to the head and he was taken to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital and he is currently undergoing medical treatment."

"Having spoken to the doctor, he is indicating that he is still critical. He underwent a surgery yesterday with success but he is still in a critical condition at this point in time. It appears that the bullet exited from the wound and that is what somewhat give that hope."

"The doctor is saying that the brain is not severely damaged and he believe that miracles can be. So that is basically where we are. My son is a very humble young man. He hardly speaks. He is employed. He is a member of the Coast Guard and he is the type of person who abide by the law and he have no problem, absolutely no problem with the law and truly I am surprised. I really don't know what happened."

Courtney Weatherburne, 7News
"But it's still a traumatic experience."

Supt. Daniel Arzu, OC - Benque Viejo Police
"It is a traumatic experience and as families we are somewhat struck by this. As an officer myself I am use to investigating cases like this, but it's a new venture to be a victim of this circumstances."

And the police are also baffled by Arzu's shooting. Southside Commander Chester Williams told us that they are struggling to establish a motive because Arzu isn't known to be a troublemaker at all.

ACP Chester Williams - Commander, Southside
"Police investigation into that matter, so far we have detained 3 persons for questioning and we are appealing to the public anyone who may have any useful information that could assist us with this investigation to kindly feel free to contact us either directly or indirectly through the 0-800-922 -TIPS number."

"Is there anything you can tell us as to what the motive was?"

ACP Chester Williams - Commander, Southside
"The investigation is still in its primarily infantry stage and we have not been able to establish a motive and I do not want to speculate. He is a young man as far as we are concern of impeccable character and that is one of the reasons why it is so difficult at this time for us to be able to establish a motive. So in terms of going into his character, there is nothing there that we can see that could direct us to a possible motive as to why this occurred."

As you heard, police have 3 persons detained. Arzu's dad told us that they will keep monitoring his condition and if he gets worse, the Coast Guard's counterparts in Mexico will assist in taking him to Mexico for further treatment.

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