So, while those officers are staring down both a criminal and an internal affairs investigation, another policeman has to prepare to defend against 2 criminal charges of theft. He’s Police Constable Zani Savala, and he’s also attached to the San Pedro Police Station.
There are two complainants who are accusing him of abusing their trust in him as a cop, and they say that he used his authority steal from them. Police reports say that he is accused of hustling a taxi driver, and in a separate incident, he is accused of also trying to swindle a diver. Both incidents are reported to have occurred last week. In the instance of the Diver, the complainant says that the theft happened in the police station itself. The man reported that Officer Savala conducted a search on him, and while doing so, he took money which did not belong to him. In the other complaint, the taxman reported that Savala stopped him at a police checkpoint. He complied since this was an officer of the law, and so when the cop informed him that a search would be conducted on him and his vehicle, the taxi driver thought nothing of it. He said that during this search, Savala also took money from him.
Police investigated the reports, and after conducting an identification parade, Savala was arrested and charged with 2 counts of theft. He was arraigned today in the Magistrate’s Court, and he was granted bail.
We understand that an letter from the police high command is being prepared for Constable Savala, after which he will be placed on interdiction leave.