And while he wants to root out corruption, will this former cop play favourites? In 17 years as a cop, he surely developed friendships and professional alliances. We asked him if this will taint his judgment:...
Jules Vasquez, 7News
"Some might be concerned well, when Elodio mi de ya me and he nevah 'gree, sake a that now he gwen send me da PG. I'm not saying that you're prone to these immature or unprofessional types of motives, but it's natural for people to feel apprehension that if perhaps you and them in the normal course of things ha da professional misunderstanding during your career as a police officer, that perhaps you may wish to settle, or move them out of the way, so that you can have a functional hierarchy that suits yourself."
Hon. Elodio Aragon, Minister of State - Home Affairs
"When I worked as a police officer, I have always been a professional, that's the way I have always been myself, I try to adhere to that kind of, to that level of professionalism."
"My goal here as the minister responsible for police is not to look at friendships and to what may suit one or two, I am here for the Belize Police department and for this country. And I will do whatever it takes to ensure that we move this department forward. When it comes to the movement of police officers, that is the job of the commissioner of police, I am looking at policy."