So at this point, while things might look unfavourable for Belize / Guatemala relations, Belize is at least trying to do its part as it relates to the Referendum Act and the Maritime areas Act. Minister Elrington told us that there will be some adjustments to these acts.
Hon. Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"The contemplation is that we would now introduce into our national assembly proposals, legislation to amend both the referendum act and the maritime areas act. We had passed amendment to the maritime areas act to facilitate negotiations at that time way back in 1992 and we have been advised by our legal advisors that it would be prudent for us to seek to amend that act. So we are looking into it. It's not a done deal yet, but we are looking into it. The matter would have to be discussed thoroughly by cabinet and we will determine how we will move forward with respect to that. And then of course under the terms now of the referendum act, we will have to get 60% of the voters to support the measure to go or not to go. We want to bring it to the regular 50% plus 1%, so that it's just like a general election, first pass the post will be the winning verdict. So if we get 50% plus 1% of the voters then we will be able to go."
These adjustment will be discussed and finalized in Cabinet.