Last week Thursday, Norwegian Cruise Line's multi-million dollar cruise port on Harvest Caye officially opened with the arrival of the Norwegian Dawn. Our news team gave you a long distance look at that opening, and the Government Press Office, which was the only media entity invited, provided an on-the-ground look of what the island getaway looks like today.
So, Cruise Tourism has arrived in the south, and the Harvest Caye business pie is being shared up among the local tour operators. But one local operator in Big Falls village who had hoped to cash in, says he got cut out, and now Norwegian's choice contractor has taken his idea, and his location, leaving him with a bitter taste and a bum investment.
It's the Cruise Tourism Blues, which we've heard from so many small operators over the years - as the multinational rolls through, gobbling up, or marginalizing everything in its way. Andrew Caliz has learned fast the ruthless rules of the cruise business and today he crystallized the moral of a story with no happy ending:...
Jules Vasquez, 7News
"You thought that for sure you were first in line to capitalize off this tourism boom with cruise tourism in southern Belize?"
Andrew Caliz, Big Falls Extreme Adventure
"I knew I would be in a very good position. At the time I thought that you know what I would be a prime cut for them to come and I knew that it wouldn't be overnight, because there would have to be some adjustments, there would have to be maybe some more investment and I would have to meet their standards. But it's not something that we couldn't get done. After all BTB who is the ruling body had given me permission and actually we are a tour operator. So I would think that things would be channeled through them and say hey they have a man down there, so we want you work with this man."
Jules Vasquez, 7News
"But you were sadly mistaken?"
Andrew Caliz, Big Falls Extreme Adventure
"I sort of think so. The big men are in and the pie has already been cut."
Jules Vasquez, 7News
"And you got served out."
Andrew Caliz, Big Falls Extreme Adventure
"Yeah, I guess that's one way to look at it. It's been served and I am not at the table. Over the news you always here they are coming in southern Belize and it's all about the poor people down south and I figure well I would be first in line for them to want to use my services and I never thought that it would been all, but I would be in the game, because you are registered under BTB. So why did they not made me involved because I am a son of the soil and I have done my investment? Why would they not. Sadly it's not that case."
There's more to Caliz's story, as he had an exchange of words with the competing operator, which may have gotten him in some police trouble. Tomorrow, we'll have the rest of his story.