All this week, we've been showing you reflections of Belizean politicians on the contributions of the late Fidel Castro. The Cuban Commander-In-Chief made his mark on world history, as the most influential, far-reaching leader to come out of the Americas.
Well, yesterday, the Senate took its opportunity to salute Castro with Members Eamon Courtenay and Godwin Hulse speaking about Cuba's self-less assistance to Belize:
Hon. Eamon Courtenay, PUP Senator
"We on this side of the house particularly in the name of the People's United Party, fairly thinks that this is a fitting and appropriate occasion for us to salute the passing of his excellency, Fidel Castro, former president of the Republic of Cuba. It is well known in the annals of history that president Castro, El Commandante is in fact one of the leading visionaries in the world. He has during his time starting in the struggle for the liberation of his own country, lead liberation struggles across the entire world, and specifically in the case of Belize, he caused Cuba to be among the first nations and in fact one of the leading nations when we as a country struggled for our just deserved as an independent country. The People's United Party believes that the historic and revolutionary corporation between Belize and Cuba whether it be in the field of education, in the field of health, in agriculture, in trade, is a true symbol of development assistance. It is a true symbol of solidarity and it is a true and respectful relationship between so soverent countries."
Hon. Godwin Hulse, Leader of Gov. Business, Senate
"I also want to share similar sentiments with respect to the comments made by my colleague Senator Courtenay on the passing on his excellency, Fidel Castro, president of the Republic of Cuba. As he said, Cuba and Belize have had very long standing cordial relationship, they've done a tremendous amount for our country and have asked nothing in return only further corporation. So our condolences and sympathies from this side with the people of the Republic of Cuba."
Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber and Foreign Affairs Minister Wilfred Elrington are in Cuba and will represent Belize at Castro's funeral on Sunday.