Yesterday we told you about 19 year old Randolph Johnson who was shot dead near Mile 2 ½ on the George Price Highway. It’s an unusual murder because it happened in a relatively remote location. At around 2:00 pm, he was fishing with friends in a secluded area about a mile west of his neighborhood in Saint Martin’s Deporres. That’s when an armed man ran up and fired several shots at Johnson, hitting him in the chest, right leg and left palm. His friends rushed him to the hospital, but he was dead on arrival. We spoke to his family members today to get a better idea of what happened, and see how they’re coping with the unexpected loss…
Alex Courtney
"Could you just tell us what the family know about the incident that happened?"
Voice of Aunt of the Deceased
"We no know nothing much, all we know he mi gone fishing yesterday and somebody call and say they shoot ah up."
Alex Courtney
"And police has not given you any information about the investigation so far?"
Voice of Aunt of the Deceased
"Not yet."
Alex Courtney
"Ma'am was this something that you know a very unexpected event, did you not expect this to happen?"
Voice of Aunt of the Deceased
"Well I never expect it to happen because he da somebody friendly, he always the give joke and so and a helpful person, he help anybody; as long as you ask he will help you."
Alex Courtney
"So he never had any enemies or anybody that would have wanted to hurt him or anything like that?"
Voice of Aunt of the Deceased
"Well not what I know about because I am his aunty but I no live ya, I only come from time to time come visit and sometimes he would a go da my house but not that I know about. Well for me this will leave a big hole in my heart because he mi the grow with my two son too -- people use to think da my son so it will really leave a hole in my heart and I mean he have a baby on the way too and we juse lose his mom last year so it's hard."
Ashley Beltran - Close Friend of the Deceased
"I never believe they would kill the man so because he da wa person he cool mien, he straight to mien. I never believe da that they would a do the man. Right now I the shake because I love the man and thing. I no know whe gone on to god I no know whe gone on, da lone fool they do the man they shouldn't have do that to the man. Ey unno deh out there right... bwai unno the hurt other people family, unno the hurt they people and it the hurt me and it the hurt everybody ya."
Police also declined comment on this murder today as mediation between the rival groups is ongoing.