So, school should have started on Tuesday, and a couple of them did try, but based on the survey we did today, they tried and failed.
When we did a drive by today we saw Wesley lower, closed; ACC high school, closed, Wesley college, closed; St. johns Anglican, a few classrooms were opened, Queen's Square, also closed, Wesley upper, that was closed too, St. John Vianney, closed; St. Ignatius, closed, St Martin's, closed; nearby St. Luke's also closed; we saw open classrooms at Palotti, while St. Joseph's was closed, and so was Holy redeemer - those are the two biggest Catholic schools in the city. We did see a few students at Anglican St. Mary's.
So, all in all, in the struggle between the BNTU on one side, and the Ministry and School Managements on the other, we'd say: game over, the Union won this tug of war.
Now, did the students lose? Well, we'll have to wait till the end of the school year to know the answer to that one.