7 News Belize

From Monkey River To Micronesia
posted (January 27, 2017)
Usually when you hear about fisheries workshops or trainings, those being trained are our local fishermen or fisheries officers and the instructors are usually international consultants. Well the roles have changed with a peer exchange program led by MarAlliance. Monkey River Fisher, 24 year old Evan Cuevas is far afield, in the western Pacific island of Micronesia right now teaching a class of fishers about sustainable lobster fishing.

That's an island state almost eight thousand miles from Belize, a very rare opportunity for Cuevas. Yesterday, via Skype the Founder of MarAlliance , who is in San Pedro , told us more about the focus of this organization and how this exchange program ties into their mission.

MarAlliance was established in 2014. We also spoke to a lead researcher in Micronesia Dr. Kevin Rhodes via Skype. He discussed the grave situation in Micronesia and how their fishers will benefit from this exchange. Dr. Rhodes is in Micronesia with Evan Cuevas and he also told us about his experience

75 Belizean fishers have benefitted from this exchange programme. After the training they return and train fishers here. He left on January 18 and he returns on February 7th.

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