Now, heading into the next fiscal year, the city will be reducing trade license fees - and to make up for a part of the one million dollars in lost revenue - the council has to find new ways of creating revenue. The mayor says they are looking at a customized license plates program where vehicle owners would pay one thousand dollars to use a plate with their name or lucky number on it:...
Darrell Bradley, Mayor - Belize City
"The law allows to sell a plate that is a designer plate and we have some samples here. But again those are areas that we are looking to generate revenue, to raise our financial position without having it a tax. Because if you want a regular plate, you just pay the regular plate, and the regular plate price, so that there's no increase in anyone. But, for example, we've had from time to time people inquiring us, when I get my driver's license plate, can I get a special number, can I put my name on the plate, can I have a special indication, or a series of numbers or letters on my plate."
"But we are planning on selling 500 of these licenses for a thousand dollars each, and that should generate us 500 thousand dollars in a year's time."
The mayor says that presently a license plate sells for 19 dollars by law, but it costs the council 24 dollars to produce.