Today marked the launch of the 4th Annual Youth Innovation Challenge. The competition asks high school students come up with creative solutions to problems the Belizean society is facing today. This year, students from the Belize District were challenged to find a way to combat and eliminate violence among youths. Chief Education Officer Carol Babb and two challenge veterans gave us more details...
Dr. Carol Babb, Chief Education Officer
"So the youth innovation challenge started 3 years ago and this is our 3rd year and we are very pleaeed to announced that we will be doing it again along with our partners. We have an international accounting firm Price Waterhouse Coopers and they have supported us yearly and we also have Peace work International working with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, to make this annual challenge possible."
Alex Courtenay, 7News
"In terms of the student participants, what exactly are they here to present and how are winners chosen?"
Dr. Carol Babb, Chief Education Officer
"The team this year is youth upliftment (YUP) and we are hoping that our young people will be able to come up with a solution to violence among youth. So we've invited all the Belize District - only the Belize District high school for this year and for the previous years and we are giving them that challenge and we are hoping that young people will be innovation - which they will come up with their own ideas. We don't want them to search on the internet. We want them to come up with solutions that will put an end to youth violence in Belize."
Adaly Cartegena, Ocean Academy
"I've been participating in this competition since I was in 1st and form and 2nd form also and the 2 years that I participated we won innovation challenge with 1st place. For like a 13-14 year old participating in this competition it's like a real challenge. You see everyone, people who you think have more experience than you and you just like put yourself out there and try to do your best."
Alex Courtenay, 7News
"In terms of what you've learn from participating this challenge and working with others, what can you tell us about that?"
Adaly Cartegena, Ocean Academy
"You can't do everything alone. You need people there to help you and everyone who helps you - you need to thank them for everything they have done for you."
Alex Courtenay, 7News
"And now we know that you guys know the theme for this year. Do you already have a plan to use and try to come up for the competition?"
Addison Neal, Ladyville Technical High School
"Currently I can't say we have a plan, but it seem to be a very interesting topic. So it's something we will jump on immediately and be happy to tackle such a case."
Alex Courtenay, 7News
"In terms of the actual theme itself, do you feel it's an important theme, especially for people your age and youth?"
Addison Neal, Ladyville Technical High School
"Very important and very relevant especially in this time and especially being that we live in Belize. So I'm happy to show youths or how we can make progress without violence and eliminating violence."
Caye Caulker's Ocean Academy is the competition's defending champion, having won the last two years running.