7 News Belize

PM Had To Fight Mayor To Block Chang’s Candidacy
posted (March 14, 2017)
Last week, former UDP City Councillor Eric Chang shook up the Senate Inquiry when he appeared before them calm, collected, and, he claimed to be candid, when he said he too was set up in the whole Citizen Kim affair.

And after the whole scandal below up, Chang - who was then an elected city councillor - stayed in Taiwan, while the saga of Citizen Kim played out with manic intensity back here in Belize. When he returned 12 weeks later, Chang had been stripped of his Deputy Mayorship and his portfolios. Politically, he was dead meat. Or was he? According to the Prime Minister, the Mayor of Belize City still wanted him on the slate. It's an interesting angle and a story we'd never heard which the PM as Party Leader shared with us yesterday:...

Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"From the time that incident happened with Penner and it was clear that there was some involvement on the part of Eric Chang, I'm not saying that the involvement was by way of anything fraudulent or anything criminal. Not at all. But there was some involvement. After that I recollect the mayor of Belize City, a mayor who from time to time talks about unjust enrichment and that sort of thing and he was insisting that Eric Chang be part of the UDP ticket for the city council elections and I said absolutely not and I told Eric "don't you put up your name, because I will personally go to the ethics committee of the party and I will ensure that you cannot run for this party again." I haven't look in any detail at the revelations of Mr. Tillett's involvement in this whole visa thing, but I certainly get the sense that he did not come out of it with his credibility intact. He did not come out of it smelling like a rose. Nevertheless, he is a UDP. I think Chang still is and it does hurt me terribly when in fact the line of questioning and the responses that I have seen create a picture that leaves a great deal to be desired."

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