So, while Immigration Officer Inez Casanova was able to positively identify Barton Middleton to the Senate Select Committee, she wanted to make clear that she has no relationship to him. In the Auditor General’s report on the the 8 missing visas, she was quoting a report from Immigration Officer Vernon Leslie. Leslie identifies Middleton as her common-law husband. But, that’s not right, and today while she had the nation listening in on the Senate Hearings, Casanova took the opportunity to make it clear that she has no relationship to Middleton.
She told the Senate Committee that this has hurt her reputation, and she wants the record cleared:
Inez Casanova - Immigration Officer
"It is my understanding that I'm here to be of any possible assistance to the Honourable Senate Select Committee in relation to one matter and not because I am in any way a part of any wrong doing or irregularities at the immigration department. That one matter is mentioned of my name in relation to missing visas at the immigration department Benque Veijo station. I have never worked at Benque station nor had any dealing with any visa at that station. One of the Benque immigration officers had mentioned in writing reproduced without any checking in the audit report on page 13 of the audit visa section that visas were handed by a named officer to a person Mr. Middleton whom in common law husband of officer Casanova. This is completely false and totally wrong. No person by that name of Mr. Middleton was ever my common law husband. This false information has caused a great hurt and embarrassment to myself and my family and I wish to request that the record reflect how totally untrue that information is. I have been advised after today's public correction of this defamation of my character that I can pursue legal actions in the Supreme Court against any person who repeats broadcast or publish this false statement."