Don’t waste water: we have all heard that phrase more than enough times but on World Water Day, it never gets old. Today a forum and fair were held at the Princess Hotel to celebrate water day. There were presentations on various topics including Water sanitation and hygiene, recycling wastewater among others. A number of government agencies set up information booths as well. Hydrologist Tennielle Williams told us more about this year’s theme.
Tennielle Williams- Hydrologist
“Today is World Water Day indeed, it’s a day taken to highlight the importance of water and the role it plays. In the UN from 1993 they designated March 22nd as World Water Day where we take actions on water issues. Today is not really different from any other water day we’ve held, we just target different sectors or different issues concerning water management and this year the theme is Waste Water and the campaign that we are promoting is “Why waste it?” So the theme is waste water and we are saying why waste water? We want to impart that it is not just waste. It’s not to just to use it and you throw it away. It’s an untapped resource. So, I mean the obvious, you can reduce paying BWS so much money because you are not going to use their fresh water source to water your lawn, wash your cars and all of that. So basically we are trying to impart knowledge and peak interest. We have a lot of youths here today, a lot of students as far as Dangriga in the south and as far as Corozal in the north. So what we are trying to do is to do knowledge transfer. We are getting old, we’ve got to go, we had our time and so we need to get the youths interested so that they then follow in our footsteps and then we have new resource managers after our lifetim
There were several competitions related to the theme, including a jingle and poetry competition.