And from adult and continuing education, we turn now to early childhood education and development. Apart from being women's month, March is also child stimulation month. Early childhood education is that phase of early life for a child, from birth to the age of 5, where the child's appetite for learning is at its most ravenous.
All this month the Ministry of Education had been organizing activities to remind parents and teachers that early childhood education is important to the child's overall scholastic achievements later on in life. The Ministry held a fair at the BTL Park, and we stopped by. Here's what one of the organizers told us:
Nadera Ross, Acting Mgr., - Early Childhood Unit. MOE
"What you see happening today is an early childhood education and development expo. I'm saying education and development because we are no longer just looking at the educational aspect but the developmental aspect as well. Today the expo is actually the culminating activity for the entire child stimulation month. For the entire month of March, we've been celebrating, doing activities on school level and also activities where we encourage parents and stakeholders in education to take part in what we do for our little ones. When we get the children at education, we get them at the age of 3 years old. There's that window from birth to 3 years that's a crucial window. We take that birth to 5 years old as a window where the children's brains are like sponges. They take in everything and if that stimulation/foundation is laid in the early years of a child's life, that foundation will let that child soar when he or she becomes an adult."
It's a nationwide effort, and Toledo will have its early childhood fair tomorrow.