After a few weeks, Belize's temporary ban on corned beef from Brazil has been lifted. BAHA sent out a release today saying, quote, "In order to verify the safety and wholesomeness of corn beef already in country, samples were collected from importers' warehouses, retail shops and supermarkets. Microbiological testing conducted at BAHA's Food Safety Laboratory did not detect any pathogens." The release adds, quote, "Belizean consumers can be assured that the corned beef imported from Brazil is safe for human consumption. Therefore, BAHA and MoH are releasing all corned beef at warehouses that were placed under quarantine." End quote.
Also, BAHA notes that none of the corned beef imported into Belize originated from any of the Brazilian facilities implicated in a report fro bribing health safety officials.
Most other countries including Jamaica, China, Hong Kong, Chile, Egypt, Barbados, and South Korea have lifted their bans on Brazilian meat products.