And another story that will be developing into tomorrow is the one we told you about in our headline: the controversy surrounding PSU president Eldred Neal. He's accused of making racist remarks against Garifunas in the public service, and - in a leaked recording which was made without his knowledge - he also speaks about that ethnic groups control of certain aspects of the union's activities. Neal is a creole - and says he has only been trying to get parity across the board. Today he said the recording was released not because of the PSU, but because of the NTUCB where the PSU is objecting to the presidency of Floyd Neal - and certain unionists - who - in order to have their way - need his delegate Jacqueline Willoughby out of the way. Here is how he put it:
Eldred Neal, President - PSU
"So don't let this matter today be about Eldred and any racial comment. This matter is about NTUCB and its way forward."
Jules Vasquez, 7News
"So you think that they are trying to eliminate or neutralize you because of your position in the NTUCB? You think that's why this recording is being circulated?"
Eldred Neal, President - PSU
"I said whatever I would have said in any audience. I will stand and face the judgement for it. By removing me as the president of the union, you probably believe you'd be removing sister Willoughby. Sister Willoughby sits at NTUCB as a delegate who I ask to represent PSU and the only way you could remove her - if I want to see all this mess go away, just remove sister Willoughby."
Jules Vasquez, 7News
Eldred Neal, President - PSU
"This is the game. Sister Willoughby has been the one person sitting at the table and asking for us to be held or to be accountable and if we cannot be accountable my brother, how could we then on this level ask the government to be accountable? And I told them I'm in support of sister Willoughby. I was told, you're going to risk that knowing that no one is going to support her. Whilst we are saying if you put this person, we will support her. I said, because with me, it's my word."
We'll have much more from Neal in tomorrow's newscast.