And that isn't the only bit from the house meeting we didn't have time to air on Friday. A major part of the business of the house was a 10 million US dollar loan motion for 10 million US dollars to the Social investment fund. The money is form the CDB and government explained how it will be used:...
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister
"The project consists of the following components: 8 community subprojects, finance 24 small medium size community projects to improve the living conditions of approximately 35 thousand beneficiaries."
Hon. John Briceno - Opposition Leader
"Which communities does the government plan to spend this $10 million US? Because, as I've said, there is so much need."
Hon. Oscar Requena - Area Rep, Toledo West
"I represent a constituency where I still have 5 communities that do not have, in 2017, do not have access to potable water. And I can name them. Jalacte does not have a water system, Santa Elena does not have a water system, Crikehute, Mafredi, Mabilha. I would think that, as part of poverty alleviation in improving the living conditions of our people, the government would see it necessary to invest some of this money to deal with potable water."
Hon. Hugo Patt
"I would like to leave for the record, that as a country we have had an excellent result in terms our provision of water. I can tell you that as we speak today, and I mentioned this in my last budget presentation, that 95% of our country is provided with potable water. And the issues that we have in Toledo district, and this has nothing to do with the Ministry, with SIF, as it pertains to the work that needs to be done. Toledo is a very unique district. I explained in my meeting, and I met each and every one of the water boards in Toledo district, and I explained to them that it is the nature of Toledo district, it is the geographic make up of the district that is actually a challenge to us. He mentioned Jalacte, he forgot to mention the other communities where we have drilled wells over and over so that we can get access to water, a sustainable source of funds for water. Jalacte member we have drilled two wells at a cost of $40 thousand for each well. And as we speak today, we are still sourcing for another source so that we can get sustainable water."
Hon. Patrick Faber - Area Rep, Collet
"These complains, madam speaker, are nonsensical because, madam speaker, the job of the government is to try to put aside all of these needs, to take care of them, we can't do everything. But rather than compliment the government and support the motion to get the kind of funding that comes at confectionary rates."
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister
"At the end of the day we are disbursing these project funds fairly. We are selecting the communities to be resourced and empowered on the basis of absolute transparency and we are doing and will continue to do a job of work for all the constituencies and communities in this country."