Now, an important part of the entire narrative is that Mora and Westby were actually trying to get Neal as President of the PSU to support Faye Nicascio - who is a Garfuna - as delegate to the NTUCB - instead of Jacqueline Willoughby. Mora says that proves he wasn't being racist:...
Marvin Mora - BEWU, General Secretary
"One of the biggest decisions that we made at that point in time was to try and identify somebody with the skills, the aptitude and the know-how with the educational background to hold the office of the president, because I was ousted as you recall. So we identified a young lady and you hear also that young lady being mentioned in that recording who we were endorsing and she is of the Gariguna culture and her name is Faye Nicasio. I guess you hear the female voice in there saying - we want her to be president and we want her to run."
"Why would I be insulting the Garinagu people and at the same time I am asking him to put back somebody as a delegate to run and be the leader at the NTUCB from that very same culture."