So while the aftermath of last week continues to sort itself out, the hearings are expected to resume next Wednesday, and the witnesses who would have attended today will be asked to show up in a week’s time.
Today, we asked the Chairman to discuss the witnesses who will appear, and why the Committee believes that they can provide helpful testimony. He made it clear that while he sees the wisdom of calling Ambassador Cherie Nisbet, in his opinion, there is no need for Alvarine Burgess to make an appearance. Here’s how he put it:
Hon. Aldo Salazar - Chairman, Senate Select Committee
"Speaking for me I believe Ms. Nisbeth is an inappropriate witness. She can give some insight into what transpired in Taiwan with the Wong Hong Kim issue and when I believe Mr. Eric was there that they had communication, she can shed some light on that. We usually prepare for witnesses before hand, I look at what is in the documentation and we prepare in advance. For Ms. Burgess I can really say I have no idea what her purpose is. I cannot prepare any questions for her because there is not material on which I can ask any questions in the report, her name is not mentioned in the report, I really don't see how any testimony from her can elaborate on my report as to how we can improve the processes and procedures of what went wrong in the immigration department and I say this because what she has said has been ventilated in the public before I believe on Channel 5 with Mr. Bradley and I believe in the media. So basically in order to prepare I have to go off what Belizeans call 'yer-it-so'. There's not documentation before me to prepare for this witness."
Daniel Ortiz
"Sir but how do you respond to the position that okay she's not mentioned in the report but she has insight into the things that have repeated themselves in the auditor general's report?"
Hon. Aldo Salazar
"Whether she can give insight into the procedure is a matter that remains to be seen. Based on what I know, what I've heard I really don't feel that we can get any insight but we'll find out. I really don't feel so, I feel strongly that I don't think we are going to gain anything much in terms of sensationalism; yes we are going to gain a lot. Politically, political chatter, etc. is going to contribute a lot, will it detract from what we're really here to do? That is my concern."