That wasn’t the only time that Chebat challenged Pacheco’s story. There were a few other instances where he appeared to downright disbelieve her answers. Here are a few other instances in the Senate Hearing, when the two became adversaries:
Michel Chebat - PUP Senator
"Were you ever offered any money for the processing of Wong Hong Kim nationality?"
Ady Pacheco - Named in Auditor General's Report
"No sir."
Michel Chebat
"Minister Penner never offered you any money?"
Ady Pacheco
"No sir."
Michel Chebat
"Neither did Mr. Wade?"
Ady Pacheco
"No sir."
Michel Chebat
"Why were all the visa applications going to you Ms. Pacheco?"
Ady Pacheco
"They were not all going to be, if you check the ledgers I was not the only accepting officer."
Michel Chebat
"Were you the main accepting officer?"
Ady Pacheco
"I wouldn't say that no."
Michel Chebat
"Were you the officer who the IOC would go to process the applications?"
Ady Pacheco
"No it would be who so ever was working."
Michel Chebat
"That wasn't you?"
Ady Pacheco
"I was working accepting."
Michel Chebat
"You know Ms. Pacheco I find it curious that your name is called more than anybody else in these reports. Were you the ultimate facilitator at the immigration department Ms. Pacheco?"
Ady Pacheco
Michel Chebat
"No you're not?"
Ady Pacheco
Michel Chebat
"Did anyone ever offer you any money to issue a visa?"
Ady Pacheco
Michel Chebat
"Do you know of any immigration officer having received monies to issue visas?"
Ady Pacheco
Michel Chebat
"You don't"
Ady Pacheco
We still have a lot more from today’s hearing, which we will share with you in tomorrow’s newscast.