Dion Leslie is one of the eight UDP Councillors who submitted his name today. even though it’s his fourth go-around, he told us that it still feels like the first time:…
Dion Leslie - UDP City Councillor
"Well 8 of the 10 incumbent councillors, we had to hand our application forms formally to the secretariat basically showing our intention to contest the 2018 municipal elections again for Belize City. 8 of us went but we're still 10 strong, I know for reasons Alifa was not able to make it and Phillip Willoughby was not able to make it this morning as well but we still went ahead and we did it. The deadline is next week Friday, the deadline for everyone to submit their applications if they intend to seek office or intend to run or intend to contest a seat in the convention but this morning all of us we went in this morning to officially hand in and to show our intent to run again."
Jules Vasquez
"It's the fourth time for you seeking to offer yourself as a city councillor. Is it still a fresh feeling or is it that the thrill is gone?"
Dion Leslie
"The thrill can never go, this morning when I got up and I put on my red shirt and I got ready, you get those goose bumps that comes back over you again and the thrill, the excitement of campaigning and walking, meeting new people, visiting old friends, learning new things, the excitement never dies when it comes to campaigning, when it comes to being political in the sense of running for an office."
Jules Vasquez
"Now the mayor hasn't put in his application yet and he said that the relationship with you guys was like a bad marriage where you’re just staying together for the children, meaning the community. Do you have misgivings, as the mayor does running with him again?"
Dion Leslie
"I have no issue, Darrell - there is no doubt that Darrell Bradley will go down in history as the greatest municipal leader this country has ever seen. In terms of what we've accomplished, city council under his leadership, I think will not be matched for another 100 years maybe and so I have no qualms, no second guessing if Darrell isn't the right person to work with, to lead the city council into another 3 years. I don't agree he said it's a bad marriage, I think you caught him at a wrong time, that's what I believe you caught him, there was a little quarrel that happened and you caught him when emotions was still hot. So you will have times when you have disagreements but nothing in the sense that we will broke up, this is not about the pikni, this is about we, they still have love between the ma and pa."